The All New Fairly OddParents! Wiki
The Fairly OddParents: The Next Generation
Season 4

Number of episodes


Previous Season

Season 3

Character Debuts

  • Queen Mandie
  • Jeff
  • Erik

One Time Characters

  • Tori Tang
  • Thames Miller
  • Gina Carmichael
  • Jeremy Star
  • Olivia Tang
  • Martha Grey
  • Mitch Grey
  • Cedric Johnson
  • Deedra Johnson
  • Michael Kelley
  • Royce Cherry
  • Elmette Boyle-Cherry
  • Sandelia Patel-Turner
  • Renet Buxaplenty
  • Taddie
  • Chaddie
  • Chris Carmichael
  • Ivanna Prestonovich-Carmichael
  • Chestilla McBadbat-Star
  • Charles Johnson
  • Vern Star
  • Barry Star
  • Daisy Mulligan-Grey
  • Carl Grey
  • Troy Tang
  • Tristian Miller
  • Neptunio
  • Astronomia
  • Flameo
  • Wando
  • Cosma
  • Poof
  • Blondo
  • Juandssima
  • David Von Snootyberg
  • Dr. Snipowitz
  • Cassie Turner
# Title Brief Summary Title Card
81 So Totally Indefinitely Spaced Out Mark Chang celebrates the 20th anniversary of when he first ended up on Earth, and he invites his parents and his space friends from Yugopotamia to celebrate. However, one of Mark's old enemies is coming to ruin his party. TBA
82 Lil' Of the Old Black Magic Foop and Anti-Sunny created a potion that weakens fairy magic, but makes anti-fairy magic stronger. With fairy magic becoming ineffective, it's up to the kids to counter the anti-fairies' potion and bring fairy magic back. TBA
83 Barbe-skewed Tommy and Tammy accidentally burn the hot dogs at Timmy's barbecue, and have to find replacement hot dogs before they're grounded. Lucky for them and the other kids, Charlie gave them a gift of "special hot dogs" as a peace offering. However, when the kids take the hot dogs to Timmy's barbecue, the hot dogs suddenly come to life and trap the adults. TBA
84 Young Discount When Tammy heard about a free money discount that only applies to senior citizens, Tommy wishes they were both old, but then Tommy and Tammy forget who they are. TBA
85 Tommy and Tammy's High School Years Time skips forward a few years later, where Tammy, Tommy, Jessie, Greg and others are in their teens and going to High School, experiencing troubles, parties, love lives and relationships with their parents and fairy godparents.

Guest stars: Noah Segan as Noah Tremorts and Julia McIlvaine as June Wildenmere.

86 Midlife Mulligans David and Carly start going through a midlife crisis. TBA
87 Gendersdale II Tammy and Tommy have a dream where they wish to gender swap everyone, including themselves.

Note: this episode is a sequel to The All New Fairly OddParents! episode "Gendersdale".

Guest star(s): Trey Parker as Michael Kelley, Matt Stone as Royce Cherry, Maria Canals Barrera as Juandissima, Dan Castellaneta as Blondo, Ray Chase as Mitch (Alternate Universe Mitzie).

One-time Appearance(s): Tori Tang, Thames Miller, Gina Carmichael, Jeremy Star, Olivia Tang, Martha Grey, Mitch Grey, Cedric Johnson, Deedra Johnson

88 Dark Laser's Apprentice Dark Laser and Boudacian Queen Mandie team up together in order to find a new apprentice for him...who happens to be the kids' bully, Charlie Amber, from Earth. TBA
89 Remy's Richurant The kids find out that Remy owns a restaurant at the Dimmsdale Bridge, but there's a problem: instead of edible food, all that the restaurant serves is gold & money. It's up to Tommy and the rest of the kids to help Remy with this dillema before the health inspector raises the rent. TBA
90 Wish You Well It's Greg's birthday and he is the one billionth fairy god kid in history to celebrate it while having fairies. In addition, he and his friends were taken to an enormous wishing well in Fairy World where he can wish for anything he wants for his special day. Unless if he doesn't get too carless with his wishing, of course. TBA
91 Ageless Cruise While the kids and their families are out on a cruise, Marty wishes for every kid and adult aboard the cruise ship to switch ages. TBA
92 When Tony Met Anne Curious to know about their past, Amanda asks her fairy godparents Tony and Anne on how they first met.

Note: Flashbacks from that episode takes place at the same time as the events of episode The All New Fairly Odd Parents! - "Solarview and Windypool Beginnings", but as Tony and Anne's POV of their love story.

93 Super Kids in the Great Chocolate Rip-Off After the kids felt ripped off by the disappointing chocolate-themed event that didn't live up to the promises of offering sweet treats, the kids write their own superhero story where the Super Kids face off against a sweets-themed supervillain. TBA
94 Heir to the Dimma-throne Diane Dimmadome, the wife of Doug Dimmadome, has passed away, leaving Doug as a widower. He advises Dale to find a future heir if he chooses to retire like his father and in case if his grandson Dev refuses to become the next heir of the Dimmadome fortune. TBA
95 The Snip-Snipowitz Reel It's been nearly 20 years since the notorious Dr. Snipowitz was arrested for his cruelty to pets and his patients, and based on his story according to interviews with Dr. Snipowitz's former patients, Sally Amber and director Mr. Bickles decided to bring it to the screens. TBA
96 Magnate's Inside Story Tommy, Tammy and the other kids wish to go inside Hugh J. Magnate Jr.'s brain to see what makes him tick, and why he became the way he is now. TBA
97 Britney & Skylark Reunited Chip Skylark is planning a reunion concert with his son Mike and Britney Britney, the latter of whom hasn't seen her son since his birth. TBA
98 Too Snowy for Comfort It's a heavy snow day in Dimmsdale, and the kids and fairies use this occasion to have fun in the snow. Little did they know that Hugh Magnate is planning to spoil their fun. TBA
99 Maxwell's Hidden Demon Maxwell learns to be more direct, but he goes too far and begins to hurt the feelings of fellow classmates. TBA
100 Wishes Come Undone TBA TBA